You can list individual products and services by clicking Add Listing.
e.g. If you build tiny homes you can have a free listing for your company in the Vendors area by registering. But if you would like each of your tiny home models to appear in the Listings > Homes > Tiny Homes area you will need to use Add Listing.
Individual listings include a phone number and a reply button. Replies appear in your account. You will receive an email notification when a new reply has been received.
Images format can be either png or jpeg. The optimal image size is 800 px (w) x 600 px (h).
Each product or service listing include a gallery of up to six images.
Individual product and service listings are as low as $5 per month* based on the package you select. Please consult our Pricing page for details. *billed annually
We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard and American Express. We also accept Bitcoin.
We use the WooCommerce Payment gateway built in partnership with Stripe to guarantee payment security. We use OpenNode to secure Bitcoin transactions.
We have channels on all of the major social media networks including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X/Twitter. We are also publishing a monthly email newsletter for subscribers. As vendors list individual products and services we may post those listings across all of the above channels.
Product or service listing descriptions can be no longer than 10,240 characters or approximately 1575-2048 words.
Please use the contact form for any questions you may have. You can also send us email at support@alt-home.com.